The Cambridge Online Maths Club The Cambridge Online Maths Journal for A-level students. Why knot: knots. molecules and stick numbers A very relevant example of its excellent material plus Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences The famous institute in Cambridge. St Andrews History of Mathematics The award-winning history of mathematics archive, and a treasure
of famous curves. This foundation hosts John Robinson's own site plus a fascinating
site devoted to rock art. Producer of the beautiful animations of John Robinson's sculptures
used on our site. An extraordinary collection of knots Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden section George Hart's Virtual Polyhedra Museum of Puzzles and Puzzling Objects Many links to mathematical resources. Gallery of Mathematical Images Some really nice moving images of four dimensional objects Chaos Theory in Psychology and the Life Sciences University of Massachussetts GANG Library Surfaces, Knots, Conformal Flows, Software. A project from the Los Alamos National Laboratory "serious math written with the reader in mind" - deals with mathematical
imagery, vocabulary and concepts in literature. Links from Yahoo
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See the Art section for more views of John Robinson's sculptures.
CDRoms available on Mathematics and Art, Shape and Space, Polytopes,
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